Sunday 14 February 2016


Optimism is the conviction that no matter the situation, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It is the determination to be positive minded in the face of declining options. It is the surety that every setback is a setup for a comback. 

The Incurable Optimist will never be swayed to concede too easily. He is a dogged fighter. He is like Odysseus who creates something out of nothing. He is a brave warrior who crafts the idea of the Trojan Horse as the only way to penetrate the impregnable walls of Troy.

Our world is in dire need of such people. Those who will hope against hope and hold on to that tiny shred of hope in a sinking Titanic. The World is what it is today because men and women with the spirit of incurable optimism stood their ground when it mattered and have become glowing tributes for others to emulate.

Steve Hawking, a renowned Professor Of Physics and a man who is paralyzed from the neck to the heels due to a disorder in the nervous system, has always remained fiercely independent and unwilling to accept help or make concessions for his disabilities.

He preferred to be regarded as a scientist first, popular science writer second, and, in all the ways that matter, a normal human being with the same desires, drives, dreams, and ambitions as the next person. His wife Jane Hawking later noted that
 "Some people would call it determination, some obstinacy."
 What will you call it? If your condition has not reached this level, then all hope is not lost.

By Rev Fr Thaddeus Apka

Happy Sunday!

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